Merry Christmas ladies.
This year was our very first Christmas morning at our house. We have always traveled back to my hometown and celebrated with my family. Christmas morning at my mom and dads and then a big family dinner there with all the cousins and aunts and uncles there too. It’s a tradition that was started so many years ago when my Gramma did it at her house. Needless so say it’s my favorite day of the year. Love and laughter and everyone together.
Because of being so hugely pregnant and sore and the middle of winter we decided it was best to not travel and have babies on the side of the road.
Christmas morning was super special with your brother. Having him come down the stairs to his own Christmas tree with such excitement was amazing to see. It’s his last Christmas as an only child so I am happy we could enjoy it just the three of us.
We seem to have some pretty awesome people in our lives too. This mama of yours was pretty sad about being “alone” for the holidays. So our good friends Ashley and Wes invited us to join their family for Christmas Eve festivities. Good food and company felt amazing to have around. And then Christmas Day our dear friends Steph and Shaun Scade invited us to join their family Christmas dinner. Their daughter is Masons little girlfriend and they are such great friends. It wasn’t home but it sure felt as close to it as possible. Very thankful.
We are so grateful for everything we have and our Health but with my Aunt being so sick we just didn’t feel right not being with our family at this time.
So we packed up the car the morning after Christmas and went down to Medicine Hat to surprise everyone. They had planned to have Christmas dinner on the 26th for Auntie. A perfect time to get everyone together and maybe not think about things for a little bit. There was no way I was going to miss that.
Everyone was super happy to see us, although Papa was pretty mad at me for traveling haha.
But I am so extremely happy we went down. It sure didn’t feel like the holidays until seeing family and I’m happy we could be there with my Aunt. I hope you get to meet her one day.
It was also so nice to see my Mom and FINALLY have her feel your gigantic kicks and movements. One night you went crazy on her haha, it was so great to see.
So we had one of our last Dr appointments this week too. A follow up to make sure my blood pressure and swelling were under control. Good news. All looks fine there. I’m now measuring 46 weeks. Gah that to me is absolutely ridiculous. And Dr has confirmed I definitely have spd (basically problems with the pelvic). I have way too much pressure and my pelvic is a bit of a mess. I can hardly walk these days. Not on bed rest but he said don’t do anything if I don’t have to. Everything looks good though. Just so close to the end that things are a bit unbearable.
So close ladies…so close!

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