The time is finally here. I swear I feel like I have had this dirty little secret for way too long.
Every year for Christmas my Mom cooks a big dinner and has the whole family over. We open presents at her house the morning of.
Since baby wasn’t too far along, I knew this was the perfect time to tell them. I would’ve loved for them to all know sooner but heck, I just don’t work that way.
I never do things half assed and I try with everything in me to make things special.
So this had to be great.
Shawn and I went over a million and one ways to tell everyone. Nothing seemed unique or “ME”. I wanted it to also be personal to every person.
My Mom has wanted grandbabies for as long as I can remember. I knew it would happen one day, but it was never really something we saw in the neat future.
And my Dad, well he wasn’t crazy about it like my mom, but deep down we all know he wanted it just as bad. In fact, the night before everyone knew he was complaining about it never happening.
Anyway, Shawn and I decided to make T-Shirts for everyone to open up Christmas morning. They all had to be special and unique to them. It was perfect, and worked out way better than I could have ever imagined.
The days leading up to Christmas I walked around the house in a huge hoodie, ordering secret virgin ceasars and sucked it in as much as possible. It was crazy hard, but again just so worth it.
We also Skyped with Shawns sister the morning off too. Her reaction was priceless!!!
(All photos taken with a point and shoot camera. Had to be a bit sneaky)
The best reaction I could have asked for
We made Dad open it first. And he actually got it right away. We put blue and pink question marks on the back and made that be the first thing he saw when he opened the box.
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