If you follow my work during wedding season at all, you will know that every groom I meet I make sure he can dip that bride of his like no tomorrow.
For this Fridays post, I went with my favourite part of wedding formals. THE DIP PICTURE! I know a dip right? Very cliché very posed, but very romantic as well. I shot 15 weddings last year, I am 90% sure all of them had a dip picture. So when I was going through all of my older albums, I was like heck no I can’t decide, I love them all so much. That might be because I always have a soft spot for all of my clients. But my husband said to me, “you have to pick a favourite!” So…I picked one…and then chose to share some more of my favourites with you!
Why is the dip picture one of my favourite parts? I think it’s because no matter how I demonstrate (which is always so much fun deciding who gets to dip me) or how I explain what I’m looking for, each couple always manages to put a personal spin on it and make it their own. The pose might look similar, but the feelings in all of the images are their own, and that’s what I truly love the most!
Hope you love them as much as I do.
This is my absolute favourite. I love the emotion behind it. This wedding was all about true love
I just loved how soft this one turned out, great location in Florida!
Oh Craig and Amanda! How I wish I was available for your date, you two are amazing together!
This one still amazes me! The most perfect place to shoot in Alberta ever!
No demonstration needed on this one, Tricia just made it a point to touch the ground!
And of course Misty, the most flexible person ever.Shane did awesome on their TTD
And I couldn’t forget about Ainsley and Pat. I love the goofy love you two share and cannot wait to shoot your 2012 Canmore wedding
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