26 weeks and really uncomfortable.
I am not too sure what happened this week but everything seemed to change in my pregnancy. I am starting to feel very tired again and absolutely huge. Your Dad calls me a tank every day (it’s okay, he means well haha) but now I am believing him. It is even starting to get hard to breathe. We were still in Mexico for a few days this week. We shot the most beautiful wedding there. Yes, your Mom and Dad are wedding photographers. It has been such a blessing in our life and I think it will be the most perfect job to have while you are around. But carrying you around for 8 hours is sure adding up. My feet are little sausages by the end of the day. Every time I squat down to shoot you fuss around. I don’t think you like being squished like that. I think you grew more this week then you have the entire time. Even everyone around us is telling us how big I all of a sudden am.
But being in Mexico you got a lot of loving. We ate a lot of yummy fruit and drank yummy drinks. And lots of belly rubs for you.
We had your monthly doctors appointment this week too.
So huge that the doctor said we need to watch it and see how much I grow before the next visit. You went from 23 inches to 29 inches in 4 weeks and I gained 5 pounds this time. She said all of those numbers are a bit high for how the rest of the pregnancy has been going.
But they don’t have any concerns. She did bump up our next visit to 3 weeks instead of 4 and then we are on biweekly visits for a while after that. She also had some concerns about the colds that I have been having and prescribed some things to hopefully help and keep it from coming back again. But these are all small minor things so we are happy.
And of course…your little heart beat is 147 as usual. You are one consistent little being in there.
This week was also really cool for your Dad and I. Not only are you kicking like a crazy person but you are, what they call, peddling now. Which means you are taking all parts of your little body and rubbing and pushing it against my belly. Needless to say it is a crazy sight from the outside and soooooo incredibly strange from the inside. It is still beautiful but I think you are freaking your Dad out a bit.
But everything is going great. 13 weeks is no time at all and you will be here.
HaHa of course I love this shot. I can still see my feet…okay I may have been leaning really far to make it happen!
You can really see how my belly has changed in these ones. It is a bit higher and pointed out way more than round.
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