This one is kind of on a personal note. Mushy feelings, that sort of thing!
Yesturday I put up a post on my facebook page asking who out there that follows my work were photographers. I get up this morning to find out that there were over 40 posts on my page. All from great near and far photographers.A few days ago I put a post on my page looking to make a referral list for family photographers. I received over 20 people to add to that list. Some of the comments when I was looking for the family photographers we “thank you so much for helping get our name out there,” “thank you for doing this and allowing us to be a part of it.” ect… When I asked who followed my work that was a photographer, these are the responses I got. “Love your work Nicole, followed you from the beginning, if I had to hire a photographer for myself it would be you, and you are such an inspiration!”
So for this Favourite Friday post…my favourite thing is YOU!
I am so thankful and so grateful for the many people that have come into my life with this whole photography journey. I always love when my inbox fills up with people on their way to becoming a photographer asking for advice. I love when people just send me emails telling me they love what I do and follow me daily. So to make a long story short, one of my favourite things about doing what I do, is the people. The people I get to work with, the people I meet through networking sites, and the people who tell me I inspire them. It is because of you that when those bad days happen, I get an amazing email telling me great things…and it makes it all worth it!
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