Modde Twins {22 Weeks}

Well girls, this week was a fun one for us. We got to see you AGAIN! I know it seems like a lot but the Dr. is just making sure we keep track of everything and everything is going great. But this week we had a 3D ultrasound booked. It was part of our gender determination package. Normally we wait a bit, until 30 weeks or so but I guess with twins you guys run our of room fast so it’s harder to get good pictures of your cute little faces. Either way, it’s pretty awesome getting to see you so often.

So we had our appointment at 9:30 at night. Crazy right. Apparently babies are more active super early or late in the evening. I for sure wanted your Dad there so we went with late. And they are right, you girls are always so busy around 9 every night. You both did pretty good for the ultra sound. When we started you both turned away from the camera and wouldn’t let us see either of your faces. You little monkeys. Then the candy kicked in and you were going flips, stealing kisses and telling a lot of secrets. It is pretty cool to see each of you but you are so similar to one another that I really enjoy seeing you together. Watching you interact was like nothing else. I feel really bad for the baby on the bottom (they call it baby A). Holy moly you get a little beat up in there and squished. Baby B just pushes you and gets all up in your face. It was adorable to watch but I also wanted to save you some how. This day you two were laying head to head with your feet out to each side. I apparently have a ton of fluid high in my belly so there is lots of room for you guys to move around in but you just kept coming back to each other. And so much touching. Okay, well more of baby B touching baby A but still, it was pretty adorable. We got to see a lot of yawning and stretching. We saw your big ears (uh oh not the Cameron ears!) and apparently you have long eye lashes like Daddy (I’ll take this one, Mason does too). She said you have big feet and that you both weigh about a pound right now. She said a lot of things that I thought were crazy but I’m going to write them down here to see if they come true. She said you will most likely be 6 pounds each when you come out. This would make me so happy. That is one healthy twin weight. But the thought of 12 pounds of baby being in my belly is, well…a little daunting. She said you will be tall like your brother (we have no clue where this height is coming from). That you will be blonde and have fine hair (like your Daddy but we are hoping you have my hair just like your brother). She also said blue eyes. I don’t know if she is a psychic or an ultra sound tech but man would it be creepy if all of this came true. Either way, we loved seeing you again. Especially the picture I attached here for you. You showed a lot of love towards one another. I hope that never changes.

One other big thing this week, DADDY FELT YOU!! Finally. You basically went from the tiniest flutters to jumping out of my belly. Like huge jabs and pushes. I am so happy he finally got to feel what I do. Your brother says he feels it but I know he hasn’t. You have to give him a big kick one of these days.  We can also see you from the outside now which is pretty awesome. Its rare the two of you are kicking away at the same time, which I think is super cool. I can tell where each of you are in my tummy, one up top and one on the bottom. Which causes a lot of pain but also is so special to me that although you are the same, you are different.

Anyway, so much love to you this week girls.

xoxox my little skittles



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NC Photography specializes in newborn, baby, and cake smash photography. Based in Edmonton,Ab and serving the surrounding area including St.Albert, Sherwood park, and fort sastkatchewan