Well this was an exciting one!!! But I think every week is going to be boring and it hasn’t been yet!!
We are on week 25 as of Feb 27,2013. This was a very exciting day for us. We spent a good hour in the doctors office. No No! It’s a great thing.
We decided to go for a 3D ultra sound. We had heard so much about how great these were and how much people loved them. So we looked into it a bit more and decided to do it. Besides, your last ultra sound where we were told you were “maybe a boy” just wasn’t sitting good with us. Your Mom doesn’t do well with surprises so I needed to know for sure. But with the size of your kicks, I just knew. Those are black belt kicks not ballerina ones.
So we went for the ultra sound. It was so amazing. One crazy part was the live feed. We got to send a link to our family and friends so they could be a part of the ultra sound as well. So cool right. So your Nana (your Dad’s Mom) and Sister sat in as well as my soon to be sister in-law. My Mom and brother tried but technology failed us and they couldn’t see anything. No worries, we got a DVD of it all. But it was so amazing. They could hear us talking and everything.
The 3D thing made it so real for us. We have seen you a few other times at ultra sounds but not like this.
Guess what….you are a BOY and YOU LOOK LIKE BOTH OF US!
How cool is that?!
You have your Dad’s lips and my little nose and ears. Which to me is just absolutely too sweet for words. You were so active during all of it. You yawned and put your hands behind your head (this must be your favourite position because you did it at your last ultra sound as well). You also sucked your thumb and covered your face with your tiny little hands. It was so cute. I can’t even explain the way it made us feel. Your Dad and I held hands while we watched you just move around. We felt so loved and you aren’t even here yet. Oh and you even opened your eyes and smiled when I asked if you were sleepy.
Simply amazing. I am so happy we did it. Now only less than 15 weeks until we can see that sweet face in person. We are beyond excited to finally meet you.
Baby Modde is a boy. Shawn has a print out of it just to be 100% sure. (silly boys)You look so peaceful in there.
These are my favourite. See…Dad’s lips and my nose. So cute!
Yes…you stuck your tongue out at us already
And sucking your thumb.
After all of that you and I headed to Medicine Hat to drop off your sisters (yes I call our dogs your little sisters. Trust me, you will too and you will love them) with Gramma G (that’s my Mom). Well it was a quick in and out visit but not before we spent some quality time shopping. We finally knew 100% what you were so it was time to spend some money right?! We had so much fun. And your Gramma is getting all ready for sleep overs with you too. She bought a playpen/bassinet for you. Well putting it together was something else. I am pretty sure in the end of it, it all pretty much snapped together. But with your Gramma and I putting it together, well let’s just say it was 2 am by the time it was done. HILARIOUS. But you will see how silly we are together. I can’t wait to take you for many many visits.
And then aside from all of that excitement…we headed to Mexico this week again. It was our last time of the year. You are a little traveller already.
You were good on the plane ride down so lets hope you are good on the way back. But you are definitely bigger. Those little airplane seats are not as comfortable as they used to be. But I am sure the week of sun and relaxing will make up for being on an uncomfortable plane!
So…no Eggplant (yes you are just a much bigger eggplant this week) in Mexico. A stunning flower will just have to do.
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