Melissa & Reggie booked me for their 2012 wedding a very long time ago. We have planned their engagement session a number of times, but due to a rough year for the couple we had to post pone. May 6th was the day and it was finally here. If you know me, I love to […]

I had this idea. Big hills, warm colours, and a beautiful blonde. Then I found Kristyne and new it was all possible. So we headed to the hills of Drumheller, which is absolutely one of my favourite places to shoot. I find it feels nothing like Alberta when I am there, I absolutely love it. […]

This is absolutely, positively my favourite conceptual session I have shot. It is light,colourful, soft, and has a hint of vintage. Everything I aspire my business to portray. I adore Jessica, and can you believe this girl is only 16 years old??? She completely blew me away. Jessica called me one day wanting to work […]

“Oh Ben!” Was pretty much all I said out entire shoot. Lets just say Ben had other plans than laying in a field full of pokey grass. But I do have to admit, he did a great job. Sarah is a fabulous local photographer (Starseed Photography) who I chat with now and then. But when […]

Danna: Does anyone want to do a shoot this weekend? Nicole: Sure (man I am so busy I shouldn’t do this but come on, I love Danna) Danna: OMG OMG Awesome. Nicole: I have no plan, no idea, but it has to fit my re-branding Danna: Done! That is pretty much how Danna and I […]

The final day spent in Louisana. We shot all day until the sun set. It was beautiful, stunning and ever so inspiring. I left Louisiana with a new desire to be better. To grow, to improve and to try new things. I was feeling in a big huge rut before this workshop. The workshop kept […]

Where to even start with this session… LOVE…LOVE…LOVE! Every single thing about it. A little while ago I posted for a couple in the drumheller area as I had an idea in mind and a location picked out. I found a couple (blog post to come soon) but Karly popped me a message shortly after. […]

As most of you know, I recently packed my bags and headed to Shreveport, Louisiana where I attended my first photography workshop. This workshop had made appearances on my page for months before I took the plunge. I will admit, I normally do not follow a lot of photographers, there are just too many great […]

Here is a peak at what we did on day two of the workshop with Three Nails Photography. Waking up at 5am was totally worth every single one of these images. Model Brytny Marguez Dress Miss Tashina Hair & Makeup Total Changes Styling Three Nails Photographer = Thank you so much for checking out my […]

As many of you know, I recently headed to Shreveport, Louisiana for an awesome workshop put on by Three Nails Photography. I will be posting a blog about the amazing weekend that I was there, but for now enjoy the first session we shot! (some of the decor you see here was from the lovely […]

NC Photography specializes in newborn, baby, and cake smash photography. Based in Edmonton,Ab and serving the surrounding area including St.Albert, Sherwood park, and fort sastkatchewan